Some results on generalized Turan numbers
主 讲 人 :朱修涛 教授
地 点 :理科群1号楼D311 腾讯会议:923-208-190
In 2016, Alon and Shikhelman defined the generalized Turan number ex(n,T,H): the maximum number of copies of T in an n-vertex H-free graph. When T=K_2, it is the classical Turan number. Many interesting results have a tight connection with this problem. In this talk, we will introduce some progresses and results about the generalized Turan number, including the cliques, paths, stars, cycles and so on.
朱修涛,南京航空航天大学教师。博士毕业于南京大学,曾前往匈牙利Alfred Renyi 研究所访问。主要研究方向包括图的极值问题、子图计数问题等。目前在Bulletin London, SIAM-DM, JGT, EJC等期刊发表论文十余篇。